A modern, professionally written resume is a guaranteed must in today’s competitive job market.
Your resume is a valuable tool for your job search. It lists your qualifications and describes what makes you unique. Recruiters and potential employers can learn quite a lot about you from a 30-second look at your resume and cover letter. Your resume must be structured and cut straight to the point.
Myles Ink creates a resume that will make you stand out from other applicants and grab the attention of potential employers.
Resume and job hunting services we offer:
- Resume
- Cover Letter
- Letters of Recommendation
- Thank you letter
Let us help you showcase your talent so you can reach the height of your creative and professional potential.

Schedule a free consultation with us so we can discuss your job hunt and what type of resume you need. Then send over your existing resume and any other requested documents.
The lead time for a first draft is about 1-2 weeks. After you receive your first draft, schedule a phone appointment and discuss any changes that need to be made.
After the first draft, Myles Ink will do two revisions to your document to your specifications. The final draft will be sent to you with a pdf and word version of the resume so that you can make further edits in the future as needed.